Dani Nuda - Weddings

wedding in Oslo Norway

Kjarten and Maria had an amazing wedding in the middle of Oslo, Norway. I was lucky enough to on this wedding my friend David Delgado, and another great photographer, Dami Saez, who’s based in Barcelona, Spain.

We quickly found amazing locations at this destination wedding. The bridal priday made themselves up at Gevir Salon, in Thorval Meyers Gate. The beautiful first look took place at Vøyenfallene waterfall, in middle of the Akerselva River, surrounded my bridges in the middle of nature.

The ceremony took place in bohemian venue in Bortenfor, such a cool place for a wedding. After, they went strolling the streets of Oslo, wedding guests in tow, to celebrate in a traditional Norwegian ceremony in Kuba Park.

Finally, the ended the night with the reception in Mesh Youngstorget, close to Møllergata.

This wedding was all around amazing and fun!


Kjarten og Maria hadde et fantastisk bryllup midt i Oslo.Jeg var så heldig å i dette bryllupet min venn David Delgado, og en annen flott fotograf, Dami Saez, som har base i Barcelona, ​​Spania.

Vi fant raskt fantastiske steder på dette destinasjonsbryllupet. Brudedagen gjorde seg opp på Gevir Salong, i Thorval Meyers Gate. Den vakre første titten fant sted ved Vøyenfallene, midt i Akerselva, omringet bruene mine midt i naturen. Seremonien fant sted i et bohemsk sted i Bortenfor, et så kult sted for et bryllup.

EtterpĂĄ ruslet de i Oslos gater, bryllupsgjester pĂĄ slep, for ĂĄ feire i en tradisjonell norsk seremoni i Kubaparken.

Til slutt ble kvelden avsluttet med mottakelse i Mesh Youngstorget, like ved Møllergata.

Dette bryllupet var helt fantastisk og morsomt!

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